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Statement of Conduct

We’re so excited that our community of writers is growing! As we grow, we want to emphasize the mission of the NWA Screenwriters Collective (NWASWC):         

‍To cultivate community and education in the craft of screenwriting.

Since our beginning in 2019, NWASWC’s gatherings both online and in-person have been a safe and welcoming space for industry professionals, amateurs, aspiring screenwriters and guests. To achieve this mission, we’d like to review our community guidelines for all members, participants, and guests:

- Commit to a positive and welcoming spirit within the group including maintaining a respectful collaborative attitude with fellow screenwriters and industry professionals.

- Any harassment or disrespectful comments or behavior will not be tolerated.

- Our group acknowledges that personal and professional conflicts may arise within our community, but while participating in a NWA Screenwriters Collective Meeting or Event, all personal disputes should be addressed elsewhere.   

- Maintain confidentiality and privacy of all discussions.

- Feedback should be respectful and geared towards helping others improve their work.

- Our gatherings, both online and in-person will be led with curiosity and kindness with respect for differences.

- Collaborate and network with one another, but at your own discretion.

- Abide by local laws and regulations pertaining to screenwriting, filmmaking and intellectual property rights.

- Membership and/or participation may be prohibited if a participant consistently violates these rules or engages in unprofessional or unethical conduct, as discerned by the NWASWC Leadership Team (sitting President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasure).

For more details, you can find these guidelines under the About section of our Facebook page and on our website. We expect that all participants and guests will continue our legacy of inclusivity and propriety. Let’s continue to grow a healthy community of creatives that pursues excellence in screenwriting!

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